“Confidence is the bridge between where you are and where you want to go. Don’t be casual about your
confidence or you will become a casualty on the road to your destiny.” – Dr. Keith Johnson
Breakthrough CD’s
BUY the FULL Breakthrough Package $39.97
The 20-Minute Confidence Boost
Spend the first 20 minutes of your day with the world’s leading confidence coach as he speaks positive, uplifting, and confidence-building statements about you and your outrageous potential for success in life. Studies have shown that listening to positive and uplifting messages the first 20 minutes of your day can increase your productivity up to 37%. Other information shows that for every 10 minutes of negativity spoken directly to you, you will need to hear up to 100 minutes of positive words to erase the residue of the negative words from your subconscious. It’s time to reprogram your mind and change your destiny today!
The Master Key to Accelerating Your Destiny, Unleashing Your Potential, and Doubling You Income!
Living Big in Small Places
In order to get to a bigger place you must…Think Big, Talk Big, Act Big, Dress Big, and Give Big!
No More Limits!
I speak to thousands of people worldwide, and I ask every crowd this question—Do you feel like you should be much further along in life by now?—no matter what the culture, politics, economic status, or ethnic background of the group. The answers shoot back to me uniformly—99 percent admit feeling that they should be accomplishing much more in life! What about you? Are you ready to move forward and live life without limits? Are you tired of being stuck in a rut leading to nowhere? Do you want to eliminate feelings that destroy, diminish, and deny your self-confidence? If so, you will want to invest in this special message today.
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