Motivation gets you moving. However, CONFIDENCE causes you to CONQUER!
The two key pillars to success lies in your ability to consistently stay motivated to take massive intelligent action and the mental toughness to sustain the FEELING of CONFIDENCE over a LONG period of time.
The majority of people in the world agree that CONFIDENCE is important. I disagree. It’s SO MUCH more than that. Confidence isn’t important…IT’S EVERYTHING! It’s the difference between success and failure, winning and losing, prosperity and poverty, happiness and misery.
When you have this powerful force called confidence working for you, life becomes a rhythmic flow moving you from one victory to the next. You don’t have to work it up or continually think about what you are doing. It all flows naturally. You discover that life can be like this every day. You are at a place of convergence within yourself. You wake up excited and expecting new opportunities and better relationships to come your way. Success follows success. Winning becomes normal. Money is attracted to you. Happiness becomes a way of living. You feel like you are in the ZONE.
“The cocaine rush, the marijuana high, the scotch kick in the butt, the cigarette or cigar quick energy boost cannot match the feeling that you are really looking for that is produced by one thing…CONFIDENCE.” Dr. Keith Johnson, America’s #1 Confidence Coach
Confidence is a FEELING of CERTAINTY…
- It’s the rush a sales person feels when they close a sale…
- It’s a quarterback who just threw the winning touchdown…
- It’s a leader who knows exactly what to do next…
- It’s a goal-keeper who feels unbeatable…
- A team who feel they are going to win every game…
- A golfer who senses they are going to hole every putt…
- A leader who inspires their team to greatness…
- A tennis player who exudes the confidence that they can hit winners off every shot…
- A golfer who can see the ball going in the hole before they even hit it!
- It’s an investor who listened to his intuition and picked the right stock…
- It’s the author who receives a compliment from a reader who’s life has been changed.
- A pastor or speaker who get a standing ovation after their speech.
The reality…that empowering experience of CONFIDENCE doesn’t necessarily last forever. It can be diminished and even lost over time by your own fears, uncertainties, and doubts. If your not carful, bad habits can quickly form and these negative feelings that can prevent you from manifesting your BEST-SELF to the world. These negative forces are POWERFUL yet so very subtle. They don’t always rob you of your confidence in an instant, but they work over time widowing it away until one day you realize it’s almost gone.
The subtle loss of your Confidence can be devastating…
- You can lose your sense of direction wondering where you are going.
- Your income can plateau causing you to be financially stuck.
- You can lose site of your life purpose and end up doing something you hate.
- You can lose your momentum and life can seem to be so hard.
- You stop celebrating your difference and start admiring others.
- You lose your self-esteem and stop valuing yourself.
- You can develop a negative self-image about how you see yourself.
- Your self-talk can become more critical towards yourself, than even your worst enemy.
- You won’t feel secure so you can succeed on life.
And the greatest tragedy…you never become the person you were designed to be so you never make a real difference in the world. The Number 1 Key to Success…lies in your ability to sustain the FEELING and POWER of CONFIDENCE over a LONG period of time.
Special Announcement – Get My Entire Confidence Coaching System And Be Coached by America’s #1 Confidence Coach
Confidence University – Gain MORE Confidence, MORE Money and MORE Success in Life
It’s impossible to maximize your potential all by yourself. If you could have done it on your own…you wouldn’t be where you are in life today. Right? All of us need a coach. Someone who will help us identify the constraints on what is holding us back from our greatness. We need someone who can help us see our God-given potential inside of us and can help us pull it out. We need someone who can challenge us to do things we never thought possible.
This is your chance to be coached by the best in the industry. There is a reason why Women’s World Magazine recently named Keith Johnson “One of America’s Ultimate Experts.” There is a reason why he speaks at large business seminars around the world. And their is a reason why television stations like Fox News, ABC, NBC, and TBN are bringing him on. There is a reason why some of the largest mega churches in the world invite him to speak at their conferences. Why? Because he is an expert at helping people to quickly get from where they are to where they want to go in life as fast as possible. He is an expert at helping people solve their problems fast.
Can you imagine how on fire you will be after spending 30 days with this inspirational and transformational expert through his new Confidence University?
Let America’s #1 Coach teach you how to get more of this powerful FEELING of CONFIDENCE that you will need to build within yourself a HUGE mental picture of the great future that is yet to come for your life.
It’s time to regain and rebuild your confidence for a GREAT FUTURE. Now is the time to see your future as better than your past. Dr. Keith Johnson will coach you through the process of creating a positive and prospering mental picture of what is to come and then give you the practical “how to” make it happen.