“Confidence is the bridge between where you are and where you want to go. Don’t be casual about your
confidence or you will become a casualty on the road to your destiny.” – Dr. Keith Johnson
Imagine…actually doing every day what you love—helping others—and getting paid for it!
Become a Certified Life, Leadership,
Church Growth & Business Coach!
Learn from the best,
America’s #1 confidence coach
Your Invitation to Join My Exclusive Group of Coaches, Speakers, and Authors
I’m looking for a few change agents who are ready to share what they have learned and who are ready to join a prestigious circle of Certified Life, Leadership, Church Growth, and Business Coaches. Now you can receive your first two levels of certification in a 5-day live intensive academy or our online training.
In 2012, Keith Johnson, America’s #1 Confidence Coach, made a personal decision that was to impact the lives of tens of thousands of individuals in a very big way. Having spent more than 21 years studying the principles of leadership, coaching, and success, he made the decision to open his life––and the valuable leadership principles he had learned––to serious inquires from leaders desiring to benefit from his life experiences.
Dr. Johnson has influenced millions through his books, speaking appearances, television interviews, training seminars, and coaching programs. With an ever-increasing workload demanding more and more commitment from fewer and fewer available hours, Keith made the decision to select a group of professionals from the best of the best and invite them to spend a full week on a step-by-step journey through his Life Coaching Certification Academy. The graduates from this elite group will then be invited to participate with him in bringing about the level of change he knows is possible in churches and marketplaces of the world.
This year’s Life Coaching Certification Academy will be open to a few individuals with the desire and personal commitment to help lead others to the next level of success. With his international family of Destiny Coaching Professionals expanding, you are invited to explore whether or not your skills and passions fit with the mission to help millions connect with their destiny, unleash their passions, discover their potential, and live their dreams.
It can happen for you at the 2016 Life Coaching Certification Academy experience. If you can see yourself becoming a Certified Life, Leadership, Church Growth or Business Coach, then you are invited to accept this invitation to spend FIVE full days in intensive training with America’s #1 Confidence Coach, Dr. Keith Johnson.
Life Coaching Certification Academy
- Do you have a passion to help people achieve their divine destiny?
- How would you like to start your own coaching business or join our team?
- Coaching is a growing, exciting career on the cutting-edge of personal and professional development. Business is booming at Keith Johnson International, and we are looking for people who want to earn six-plus-figure incomes.
10 Reasons Why Life & Leadership Coaching Should Be Your Career:
- You profit by helping others succeed.
- Low overhead, high profit margins.
- Second fastest growing profession behind IT.
- Proven system, guaranteed results.
- Freedom to create your own future.
- Experience the joy of helping people achieve their dreams.
- Fits within your existing career schedule. Set your own hours.
- Take charge of your own annual earning potential.
- Develop a speaking and book publishing career.
- Learn from the best Christian coach in the industry.
This is your chance for your dream to be a dynamite life, leadership, church growth, and business coach to come true!
If I had a dollar for every time someone said, “I wish I could be doing what you’re doing,” I would own the bank. I’ve got great news for you—only you hold the keys to the fulfillment of your dreams and aspirations! Your Creator gave them to you when He empowered you to reach for His success. With the right know-how you can soar to levels of success that were once only dreams.
I traveled more than 235 days in 2015 with my speaking and coaching business. Yes, business is booming at Keith Johnson International. I cannot possibly handle all the demands for our coaching business, so I am looking for 25 people, like you, to train and possibly send our clients to in the future as you gain step-by-step the confidence and competence needed through our coaching academy.
1 – My values-Foucus on God and Others
Coaches get paid to help their clients get results fast. To help our clients perform at their best, I provide the practical, spiritual, and psychological wisdom needed to put them on the fast track of achievement. For the past twelve years I have consistently focused on both the practical and spiritual side of success. I want to see an army of ministry and marketplace leaders rise up to bring a positive change in the seven mountains of society: church, family, government, education, business, media, and the arts. I want to see thousands of world-class, international Christian coaches with a biblical worldview equipped with the confidence, competence, and character needed to be change agents through the power of speaking, coaching, consulting, and writing.
2 – You need a Model of Success.
Other training companies make money by training other coaches and helping them get their certification. But very few have actually made money in the marketplace themselves.
I am personally certified with one of the world’s most respected Christian leadership “gurus.” When attending a coaching training program and listening to the guru’s main trainer, I said to myself, “I bet this guy has never made six figures a year in his coaching business.” During a break, I asked him, “How many years in a row has your coaching business produced over $100,000?” And guess what? He admitted he had never made a six-figure income. A side note: most of the certified coaches who are part of this “highly respected” guru’s team aren’t making any serious money either.
I stepped out and beyond what was being taught by the guru and turned my business into a personally and financially fulfilling career. Success leaves clues. Why be trained by people who have book knowledge but have not built successful coaching businesses themselves? Last year alone I generated more than $100,000 in my coaching and consulting business (not to mention speaking and product sales)—and I will teach you not just the theory of coaching, but I also reveal my secrets to making a significant amount of money.
3 – You need knowledge from an expert.
What makes the Life Coaching Certification Academy different? Not only do I have the “know-how” to build a thriving coaching business, I also have the know-how to help you become a successful speaker, television personality, and a published author like myself. An expert is someone who has book knowledge as well as personal experiences that prove he knows what he is talking about. Not only have I read hundreds of books by successful people, I have written several best-selling books myself; and I have hundreds of satisfied clients who have learned from my expertise.
4 – You need partnership for credibility.
What makes us different? We allow you to partner with us in selling our proven successful training tools for your own business so you can start earning money right away. Being connected with an already successful brand helps you gain instant credibility with your future clients. Upon completion of your Level 1 & 2 certification, we let you use our leadership books to market your services and we even put your picture on the back of your personally designed book (click book image on right). This quickly establishes you as an expert.
5 – You Need to Know How to Piggyback….Why Choose Training From America’s #1 Confidence Coach?
What makes us different? Building your clientele is vital for the growth and prosperity of your new business. If you work hard to become a great coach, we will send you the overflow of some of our clients. You can also join our Destiny Coaching Group ( and be listed on our website and sell your personally branded coaching products that we have already designed for you.
6 – You will need ongoing support.
Your coaching certification does not end with the completion of your training. We provide regular support through our coaching camps, teleconference calls, seminars, and ongoing training programs.
7 – You will need accreditation.
Our coaching program is accredited through Destiny College International. DCI is a member of the Accrediting Commission International. ACI is the world’s largest Christian accrediting association in the world.
8 – You will eventually need a College Degree.
You can earn college credits while going through the training. We are excited to announce that Destiny College International is using the Life Coaching Certification Academy’s curriculum as part of the Master of Christian Coaching and Master of Christian Leadership degree programs. If you qualify, you can work on your certification and achieve a prestigious degree at the same time.
9 – You need a biblical worldview.
Amos said, “How can two walk together unless they agree?” When I started studying the subject of coaching in 1998, I found out very quickly that most of the professionals in the industry were either New Age gurus or money-hungry opportunists who didn’t really care about helping people and adding value to their lives.
What Other Successful Pastors And Leaders Are Saying
Payment plans are available when you check out. Just choose your desired option.
The Demand for Confidence and Leadership Coaches
Question #1: What is in the biggest demand when it comes to personal development?
Answer: Personal confidence and self-esteem. Almost every aspect of our lives is affected by personal confidence and self-esteem. Research continues to identify “lack of confidence” as a major constraining factor that prevents many from achieving their goals. Millions of people desperately want to be, act, and become more confident. This is why there is such a phenomenal demand for real experts who can help people develop their personal confidence and self-esteem. More people buy confidence building type books and audio products than any other topic. Bottom line: the confidence market continues to grow worldwide every year.
Question #2: What is the biggest demand for coaching in churches, businesses, and organizations?
Answer: Leadership coaching. As the curve of change is accelerating at a pace faster than most organizations can keep up with, and in times of political, economical, and social crises, the demand for world-class leaders increases.
Our Brand, Your Niche
The Life Coaching Certification Academy provides you with a valuable niche you need to succeed in the coaching business. It’s a fact that coaches, consultants, and speakers who market niches to potential clients win more business. Research consistently shows that coaches do not achieve high levels of success without specializing in a particular field (generally earning 2-5 times less than those who do specialize). It’s simple; you’ve got to have a niche to really thrive. Your certification will also authorize and license you to use our equally successful Leaders of Destiny Consulting & Coaching System as your program’s foundation.
Read how a recent Certified Confidence Coaching student landed an $84,000 coaching contract:
“Keith Johnson’s Coaching Certification Program has helped me to improve myself in three areas of my life: personally, professionally, and financially. First of all, the program has enabled me to learn more about my strengths and weaknesses. By knowing my perceived strengths and discovering ‘new’ ones, I have gained the confidence to seek opportunities where I would not have in the past. Second, the coaching program helped me understand how a professional coach sets up a coaching business, the fundamentals of good coaching, and how to differentiate coaching from ‘therapists.’ Finally, since the completion of the coaching program, an opportunity to train sales representatives for a large office products dealer organization came up. I agreed to take the project on and this has meant an additional $7,000 per month increase in my income.”
–Michael Hall, Certified Confidence Coach
My journey in becoming a professional speaker has accelerated. Attending the LCCA helped me discover a sense of purpose and gave me the confidence to take extraordinary action. As a result, my speaking engagements have increased and my business is continuing to grow. Dr. Keith gave me with specific insight that only a few can provide with his experience as a best-selling author and international speaker. I also expanded my network by developing relationships with other like-minded individuals from around the world. I’m excited about my future.
–Major Andy Harvey, Police Executive, Certified Life & Leadership Coach
I’ve had the privilege of working for Sir Richard Branson, Dale Carnegie Institute, and Ernie Else the Pro Golfer who taught me leadership and entrepreneurship that many could only wish for. But the Life Coaching Certification Academy taught by Dr. Keith Johnson has imparted wisdom, understanding, and knowledge enabling us to raise others to a place they thought never possible. Both our business and ministry has been redirected with a focus and purpose on transforming the lives of others. In the writing of our books, speaking in public, and on our television program on TBN, Dr. Ron and I have become more confident and self-assured incorporating the expertise which developed during obtaining my Life Coaching degrees from Destiny College presented by Dr. Keith Johnson–the world’s #1 Confidence Coach and Leader as I see him.”
–Dr.’s Ron and Mariette Kussmaul, The Millionaire Makers
The Life Coaching Certification Academy was SUPURB. It was not just good, it was great! It was not just the training on how to be a coach, but the environment with the leaders being trained, and of course the trainer himself. The certification training allowed my thinking and passions to be stretched to greater dimensions. The clarity of understanding the “how to” was coupled with the “why.” The training, the relationships, the connections, the caliber of individuals were, and are, a truly enriching experience. Thank you, Dr. Johnson, for your investment into lives that will truly touch millions of people for the Kingdom of God as well as in the natural world—empowering dreams to come to fruition.
–Dr. Micheal J. Spencer, Senior Pastor of His Tabernacle Church
More Testimonials
My wife, Deby, and I deeply enjoyed our time at LCCA. We came away energized and more determined than ever—not only that we can and will make a difference for the Lord, but that there are great blessings and opportunities still ahead for us. We went to Tampa wondering if, perhaps, it might be time for us to consider retirement from our local pastorate—and came away discussing not retirement from the church but “refirement” for the Kingdom! –Eric and Deby Scott, Celebrate! Family Church
Dr. Keith, I’m really thankful for the Life Coaching Certification training. It was a great time; we learned a lot and even better, we are putting that knowledge to work. One of the things that really impressed me was the chart about the mind, heart, and culture. With those insights, I’ve been making many important changes such as starting to work with some ideas about my leadership skills. It is really amazing the changes that I’m already seeing in my coaching business. –Franklin Amilcar Kraudy Lopez
This was a dual time of learning for me. First I learned that much of what was being presented would help me in changing my professional counseling practice to a coaching business. Second I learned how to use these tools to further the lives of the congregation I serve. I was also able to see leaders on different levels and know what I wanted to copy from them and also know what I needed to pray about to avoid. –Dr. Bacer J. Baker PhD
Thanks for the Life Coaching training sessions in Tampa, Florida. It was refreshing to be among like-minded thinkers, pastors, and leaders. The week’s discussions and teachings have energized me to organize my life and focus on my life’s assignments. The Word says, “stir up the gift,” and this week has helped the gift to be stirred in my life. –Arthur D. Smith Sr., Pastor and Film Producer
Taking the Life Coaching Certification training has helped me structure and organize my thinking; it gave me the tools I need not only to point me toward success in my own life but to help many people in the process as well. As a pastor I have been “sort of” coaching people, but without the proper training, knowledge, and systematic structure. I am now putting my newly acquired knowledge to work on myself first! The value of the profession as a coach is becoming more and more relevant in today’s world. If business and industry professionals are making use of such a powerful tool and getting results, why not the church? I already have coaching clients because I have been given the right tools and training to do so. After all, I was trained by the best, America’s #1 Confidence Coach! –Dr. Carlos Molina
Thank you for the intensive training. It gave me clarity and focus on the next level and direction of my Kingdom assignment. The training and materials have given me the confidence in the industry to develop a business tailored to meet the needs of the church. The system we learned and are still learning is paramount in effectively impacting this market. –Renee Hornbuckle, Pastor, Crisis Coach, and Author
Create Additional Streams of Income
With companies downsizing, the failing dollar, outrageous gas prices, and higher cost of living, many families are feeling the financial pinch. The need to earn more money has never been greater than right now. The number one way to increase your cash flow is to start a part-time, home-based business.
Life Coaching Named #1 Home Business
Life Coaching has been named one of the top home businesses of the century. You can enjoy the financial rewards and personal fulfillment of owning your own business while making the world a better place.
How to Get Started. You don’t have to be a psychologist or therapist to become a Certified Life Coach. You need only a willingness to learn, grow, and have a passion to make a positive difference in other people’s lives.
What can you earn as a coach?
Right now, according to the Sherpa Industry Study 2008, Fortune 1000 companies, federal and state government, small businesses, athletes, professionals, couples, groups, families, parents, teachers, and even teens are hiring certified coaches. The demand is growing, especially in today’s economy; and as a result, experienced life coaches are earning an average of $77,000 per year, and experienced corporate/business coaches are earning an average of $134,000 per year.
Certification Timeframe
How long it takes to become certified depends on your own personal passion and commitment. It takes only two months to finish our online Level #1 of the Life Coaching Certification if you invest one hour a day (CPC). You can complete Level 2 in two months and Level 3 in thirty-days. Or you can attend one of our 5-day intensive events and get Level 1 and Level 2 certification. Reaching the level of a Master Certified Coach (MCC) can be accomplished in one or two years. There is no time limit for you to complete the training. Feel free to go at your own pace.
Learn More About Your Certification Journey
You must be a self-starter who is really serious about making a significant difference in people’s lives. You must also possess an intense desire to achieve success and significance in your own life. If you are interested in starting your own life/leadership coaching practice or becoming part of our trained team, we are interested in hearing from you.
This is not the time to sell yourself short. Now is the time to leverage what you have gained through personal studies, hands-on leadership experiences, and life challenges to help others unleash their passions, discover their potential, and live their dreams.
Our Training Program
Live 5-Day Intensive,
Miami | Fort Lauderdale | West Palm Beach Area – Exact Location to Be Announced
April 18-22, 2016
Level 1 & 2 Life, Leadership, and Church Growth Coach:
with America’s #1 Confidence Coach: $2,500
Level 1 & 2 Life, Leadership, and Church Growth Coach
with America’s #1 Confidence Coach Married Couple: $3,000
Live 5-Day Intensive,
South Africa – September 26-30, 2016
Johannesburg Area – Hosted by Dr. Ronnie Moodly
Level 1 & 2 Life, Leadership, and Church Growth Coach
with America’s #1 Confidence Coach: R5,000
Level 1 & 2 Life, Leadership, and Church Growth Coach
with America’s #1 Confidence Coach Married Couple: R7,000

Online Certification Academy
Sign Up Today! Level 1: Certified Professional Life Coach – $997 (CPC)
Sign Up Today! Level 2: Certified Leadership and Church Growth Coach – $1,497 (CLC)
Sign Up Today! Level 3: Certified Business Coach – $1,497 (MCC)
To be a part of this exclusive circle of professionals, call us at 352-597-8775 for more information. Yes! Payment Plans are available by phone.
*We have a no refund policy due to limited seating at these events. Once your seat is reserved, sorry we cannot refund.
We do allow you to take the course online or attend the next live event.