“Confidence is the bridge between where you are and where you want to go. Don’t be casual about your
confidence or you will become a casualty on the road to your destiny.” – Dr. Keith Johnson
Life & Business Coach Online Certification
Join our Coaching Team
Do you want to reinvent your life, start a new career, or add an additional stream of income?
Do you have a passion to help people achieve their dreams? How would you like to start your own coaching business? Coaching is a growing, exciting career on the cutting-edge of personal and professional development.
Benefits of Developing a Coaching Practice:
- Experience the joy of helping people achieve their dreams.
- Potential annual earnings of $100,000+.
- Coach by telephone.
- Coach from your home, office, rural areas, vacation—anywhere you use your phone!
- Expands your potential market from local to international.
- Increase your life satisfaction level by working with successful and appreciative clients.
- You don’t have to quit your current job.
- Fits within your existing career schedule.
- Set your own coaching hours.
- Take charge of your own annual earning potential.
- Take advantage of income tax savings as a small business owner.
- Develop a speaking and book publishing career.
This is your chance for your dream to be a professional speaker, best-selling author and dynamite life and business coach to come true!
If I had one dollar every time someone said to me, “I wish I could be doing what you do,” I would have collected over $1 million by now. There is no reason why you cannot be doing what I am doing and earning what I am earning—or even more. The sky is the limit in this industry if you have the “know how” to make it happen.
I traveled over 307 days in 2010 with my speaking and coaching business. Yes, business is booming at Keith Johnson International. I cannot possibly handle all the demands for our coaching business, so I am looking for someone like you to train and possibly send our clients to in the future.
C3 Coaching Is Different from other Certified Training Companies
One search on the Internet and you will find many companies training people how to be certified life coaches. I have seen prices as low as $497 for a one-day training session to as high as $20,000 that takes more than one year to complete.
You might be thinking, “So, what makes C3 different? And why should I choose you?”
1. You need a Model of Success.
Simple. Other training companies make money off of training other coaches and helping them get their certification. But very FEW of them have actually made MONEY in the marketplace themselves.
Success leaves clues. Why would you want to be trained by somebody who has book knowledge, but has not built a successful coach business themselves? Last year alone I made more than $100,000 in my coaching and consulting business, and I will teach you not just the theory of coaching, but I also reveal my secrets to make a lot of money in this industry.
2. You need knowledge from an expert.
What makes us different? Not only do I have the “know how” on how to build a thriving coaching business, but I also have the “know how” to help you become a successful speaker, television personality, and a published author like myself.
3. You need partnership to give credibility.
What makes us different? We allow you to partner with us in selling our proven successful training tools for your own business so you can start earning money right away. Being connected with an already successful brand helps you gain instant credibility with your future clients.
4. You need to find ways to piggyback on other people’s success.
What makes us different? Building your clientele is vital for the growth and prosperity of your new business. If you work hard to become a great coach, we will send you the overflow of some of our clients.
5. You will need ongoing support.
Your coaching certification does not end with the completion of your training. We provide regular support though our teleconference calls, seminars, and ongoing training programs.
The Demand for Confidence Coaches
Question: What is in the biggest demand when it comes to personal development?
Answer: Personal confidence and self-esteem. Almost every aspect of our lives is affected by personal confidence and self-esteem. Research continues to identify “lack of confidence” as a major constraining factor that prevents many from achieving their goals. Millions of people desperately want to be, act, and become more confide
nt. This is why there is such a phenomenal demand for real experts who can help people develop their personal confidence and self-esteem. More people buy confidence building type books and audio products than any other topic. Bottom line: The “confidence” market continues to grow worldwide every year.
Our Brand, Your Niche
The Certified Confidence Coaching program provides you with a valuable niche you need to succeed in the coaching business. It’s a fact that coaches, consultants, and speakers who market niches to potential clients win more business. Research consistently shows that coaches do not achieve high levels of success without specializing in a particular field (generally earning 2-5 times less than those who do specialize). It’s simple; you’ve got to have a niche to really thrive.
Your certification will authorize you to use our enormously successful Confidence Makeover Coaching System as the foundation of your own program.
Discover how one of my recent Certified Confidence Coaching students landed a $84,000 coaching contract.
“Keith Johnson’s Coaching Certification Program has helped me to improve myself in three areas of my life: personally, professionally, and financially. First of all, the program has enabled me to learn more about my strengths and weaknesses. By knowing my perceived strengths and discovering “new” ones, I have gained the confidence to seek opportunities where I would not have in the past. Second, the coaching program helped me understand how a professional coach sets up a coaching business, the fundamentals of good coaching, and how to differentiate coaching from “therapists.” Finally, since the completion of the coaching program, an opportunity to train sales representatives for a large office products dealer organization came up. I agreed to take the project on and this has meant an additional $7,000 per month increase in my income.” -Michael Hall, Certified Confidence Coach
Create additional streams of income
With companies downsizing, the failing dollar, outrageous gas prices, and higher cost of living, many families are feeling the financial pinch. The need to earn more money has never been greater than right now. The number one way to increase your cash flow is to start a part-time, home-based business.
What can you earn as a coach?
Right now, according to the Sherpa Industry Study 2008, Fortune 1000 companies, federal and state government, small businesses, athletes, professionals, couples, groups, families, parents, teachers, and even teens are hiring certified coaches. The demand is growing, especially in today’s economy, and as a result, experienced life coaches are earning an average of $77,000 per year, and experienced corporate/business coaches are earning an average of $134,000 per year.
Life Coaching Named # 1 Home Business
Life Coaching has been named one of the top home businesses of the century. You can enjoy the financial rewards and personal fulfillment of owning your own business while making the world a better place.
How to Get Started
You don’t have to be a psychologist or therapist to become a Certified Life Coach. You need only a willingness to learn, grow, and have a passion to make a positive difference in other people’s lives.
Our coaching program is accredited through Destiny College International. DCI is a member of the Accrediting Commission International. ACI is the world’s largest accrediting association in the world.
Online Training Program
We train you to be both confident and competent in your new coaching career with our informative and life-changing program consisting of:
- 40 online lessons with the America’s leading confidence coach
- The Confidence Coaching System
- Ten Habits of Highly Confident People Module
- Top Ten Confidence Robbers Module
- 6 Coaching for Results Sessions teaching you how to build your coaching business
You must be a self-starter who is really serious about making a significant difference in people’s lives. You must also possess an intense desire to achieve success and significance in your own life. If you are interested in starting your own life coaching practice or becoming part of our trained team, we are interested in hearing from you and you are welcome to Contact Me Directly or continue to browse this website for more information about our Coaching Services.
Cost: $2,560 Plus Training Material and Books $94.00
48 Hour Special Offer – $1,750
Bonus Offer – Get all the training material for FREE!
Create Account & Register $1,750.00
*No refunds are allowed once you have signed up for these training/coaching programs.