
“Confidence is the bridge between where you are and where you want to go. Don’t be casual about your
confidence or you will become a casualty on the road to your destiny.” – Dr. Keith Johnson

Unleash the Lion Within

how to become a christian pastorBUY the Program $197.00

Unleash the Lion Within is a new transformational system designed to give you the tools you need to quickly change your life from the inside out. You will discover proven ways to boost your confidence so you can live a happy life, earn more money, improve your health, maximize your potential, develop new relationships, lose weight, and produce the new results that you always wanted.

This system includes ten hours of instruction, each session illustrated with a Power Point Presentation. It comes with a Teacher’s Manual and Student Outlines. The information is powerful and will help you achieve success.

This Life-Changing Package Includes:

  • Ten Hours of Audio Training Sessions (MP3 files on CD-downloadable to your iPod or hand-held device)
  • Ten Hours of Video Training Sessions
  • Corresponding Power Point Presentations
  • Teachers Manual on DVD-ROM
  • Student Outlines on DVD-ROM
  • The Confidence Makeover Book on DVD-ROM

BUY the Program $197.00

Get More Leadership & Confidence Training Here!

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