God’s DNA Spells LEADER The Bible is the original book on leadership. The author, God, is the first leader we meet in the Bible (see Genesis 1:1).
All Leaders Create & Build
What was He doing in the beginning? What all leaders do—creating. The first revelation God gave of Himself is that of Creator. Why? The first revelation He wants you to get is that of a creator not a victim. You were created to be creative. The Bible gives you pictures of what a leader looks, talks, and acts like. In the Bible are stories about Adam, Eve, Abraham, Moses, David, Deborah, Nehemiah, Joseph, Esther, Ruth, Jesus, the disciples, Paul, and others in leadership. As you read the Bible, you can easily build a library of LQ pictures in your mind. As you study these LQ pictures, you will soon discover another image beginning to take shape. You will recognize this picture is you. You begin to see yourself, not as what you have been in your past, but the possibilities of what you are going to become in your future. This mental photograph should become your desired outcome. Your enemies will try to paint a picture in your mind of who you are at your worst. The picture you develop of yourself is crucial to determining your level of impact, influence, and income.
Think Positive & Great Things Will Happen
LQ Solution: It is not who you think you are that holds you back; it is who you think you are not that holds you back. Since 1998, I have personally coached and consulted hundreds of senior pastors. When I start talking to them about increasing their LQ, I have heard this over and over, “I am not a leader. I am just a pastor.” With one pastor of a thousand people, I spent an entire day helping him see he was a great leader. Once his inner leader was awakened to this fact, his confidence increased and his ministry exploded. Over the next two years, his ministry totally changed. He went from pastoring one church to starting and pastoring over twenty-three different successful churches. Our next video in this series is Leadership Styles. What did you learn in this video? Please share it with us in a comment!