[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhUHiVR6_3c” title=”Crush Bad Debt! How To Discover Your Multiple Income Streams 2023″ thumbnail=”18120″ /]
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Are you struggling to pay your bills during this outrageous season of INFLATION?
Have you been feeling stuck with bad credit card debt and don’t know how to pay for all these charges? Bonnie and I know how you feel! In this video, I share how my wife and I struggled with $180,000 in bad credit card debt. We maxed out 37 credit cards.
In our effort to stop the bleeding, we listened to all the smooth-talking Christian financial experts and nothing seemed to work. As a matter of fact, we got into more debt and financial problems. At my lowest point, I found a person who taught me a better and faster way to crush my debt. Now I’m happy to inform you that my wife and I were able to pay off our debt of $180,000 in three short years and we are now bad debt free. 😉
In this video, I discuss the secret we learned that turned everything around quickly called, How to Discover Your Multiple Income Streams. I’ve emphasized it numerous times: God doesn’t want you living in worry and stress. He intended you to live a prosperous life.
My objective is to assist you in achieving your God-given destiny and you can’t do that by trying to use old financial strategies taught in the 80’s and early 90’s in the twenty-first century. Many gurus would advise you to “live within your means.” They want you to scrimp and cut back. They want you to embrace a scarcity mindset like most poor and middle-class people do…like we did. 🙁
Let me teach you how to actually “LIFT your means” so you can live the abundant life that God has for you. This is how the wealthy and rich think. If you focus on scarcity…you will only think and see limitations. If you focus on abundance…you will think and see possibilities for a better, more prosperous lifestyle. Where your focus goes, energy flows, and the results show!
Watch now, and don’t forget to subscribe to more videos that will help you become confidently wealthy.
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