The leadership process of turning a dream into reality begins with a deposit of destiny in the heart of a person to solve a major problem or meet an immediate need.
Jack Welch took over as the CEO of General Electric (GE) during a time when the company was facing some major challenges. This leader of destiny totally turned GE around. Jack stated that the first step, before all other steps, was for the company to “define its destiny in broad but clear terms. You need an overarching message, something big, but simple and understandable.”
What was the biggest problem General Electric was really facing? Apparently the lack of a clear destiny. Jack Welch and GE came up with a statement of destiny when they set the following goal:
“To become #1 or #2 in every market we serve and revolutionize this company to have the speed and agility of a small enterprise.”
Armed with a profoundly simple, clear, and compelling destiny, Jack Welch led GE into a new and prosperous future.
At 43 years of age, Henry Ford wanted to improve transportation beyond the slow pace of a horse and buggy. He also wanted to meet an immediate need of producing a car that every person could afford and own.
Henry Ford led his company forward with destiny burning in his heart to “democratize the automobile.” He said,
“[To] build a motor car for the great multitude…It will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one-and enjoy with his family the blessing of hours of pleasure in God’s great open spaces…everybody will be able to afford one, and everyone will have one. The horse will have disappeared from our highways, the automobile will be taken for granted.”
One of the greatest examples of destiny is Sony’s vision in the 1950s for its future:
“We will create products that become pervasive around the world…We will be the first Japanese company to go into the U.S. market and distribute directly…We will succeed with innovations that U.S. companies have failed at–such as the transistor radio…Fifty years from now, our band name will be as well known as any in the world…The name Sony will signify innovation and quality that rival the most innovative companies anywhere… “Made in Japan” will mean something fine, not something shoddy.”
Like Jack Welch, Henry Ford, and Sony, ignited by a destiny that was simple, clear, and compelling, your vision for a bigger and better future will serve as a unifying focal point of productivity and achievement, ultimately creating immense team spirit.
You do not have to be a charismatic leader to build a great church or organization for the future. However, you do have to be a leader who imagines the possible and understands how to inspire and motivate others.
Enjoy today’s blog? Check the previous episode: “Becoming a Leader of Destiny” by clicking here.
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