Posts Tagged ‘overcoming fear’

The Success Triangle

The Success Triangle

When you start looking and listening for the word confidence, you will be amazed how often the word is used in our daily vocabulary. Sports announcers use the word confidence to describe an athlete’s impressive performance. Businesses create television commercials that build the customer’s confidence in their services or products. Motivational speakers and training coaches…

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Christian Entrepreneurs

Christian Entrepreneurs

Successful christian entrepreneurs can radically improve the world on multiple fronts — they help grow the economy, inspire innovation, create companies that elevate everyone involved, and can in a significant way financially support the expansion of the Kingdom of God. If making a difference in this way sounds appealing to you, you just might have…

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Four Powerful Things Will Happen in Your Life

Four Powerful Things Will Happen in Your Life

A personal life coach is like the fairy godmother in the story of Cinderella. The fairy godmother saw through the rags, the dirt, and the current status of Cinderella, and saw what Cinderella was capable of becoming. When everyone else saw an ugly little peasant girl, the fairy godmother saw a princess. That’s what a…

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Who is a Life Coach?

Who is a Life Coach?

Andrew Carnegie was one of the richest men who ever lived. He was an American industrialist. He employed 43 millionaires at the height of his success. When asked how he made millionaires, Carnegie talked about mining for gold. “You develop people the same way you mine gold. To mine gold, one digs several tons of…

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Your Potential Pusher

Your Potential Pusher

“I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities.” —Bob Nardelli, President and CEO of Home Depot What does Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Warren Buffet (one of the richest men in the world), and Elvis Presley have in common? They have all used a coach or mentor to maximize their potential so…

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Confidence Maximizes Your Potential

Confidence Maximizes Your Potential

Confidence Maximizes Your Potential “Confidence is like a helpful virus spreading throughout your body. If you have it, it will infect everything you do in a positive way. If you don’t, it will undermine everything you do.” —Dr. David Niven, psychologist and best-selling author Confidence is the fuel that empowers your natural talents and causes…

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The Difference


What is the difference between winning and losing, riches and poverty, and leaders and followers? What is the difference between those who perform at their best and win, and those who perform and lose? What is the difference between those who have millions in the bank and those who do not even have a bank…

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Living at Your Peak Every Day

Living at Your Peak Every Day

I often travel to South Africa. One of South Africa’s favorite heroes is Nelson Mandela. But depending who you talk to, some South Africans think he is the greatest leader in history of the world and others think he is not even worth mentioning. However, one thing nobody can deny is his remarkable rise from…

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The Confidence to Live at Your Peak

The Confidence to Live at Your Peak

Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable. —Coach John Wooden  John Wooden and his legendary UCLA dynasty won ten NCAA championships in 12 years, including 88 straight games and four perfect seasons. He was also…

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Confidence to be Rich

Confidence to be Rich

I used to make this statement, “They are filthy rich.” Have you ever said that? It leaves the impression in your mind that anybody who got rich did it by doing something evil. Or that being classified as a “rich person” is associated with being dirty. No that’s a lie. Why don’t we say, “Those…

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