“Confidence is the bridge between where you are and where you want to go. Don’t be casual about your
confidence or you will become a casualty on the road to your destiny.” – Dr. Keith Johnson
The Confidence Makeover Journal
This is the companion book to The Confidence Makeover.
Oprah Winfrey was asked what her secrete to success was, she replied, “I read two books a week and I journal every day.” This 30-day journal will not give you all the answers, but will ask you all the right questions that you must ask yourself in order to change your life. This journal is a day-by-day, step-by-step journal that will help you:
- Discover who you really are.
- Let go of your childhood hurts.
- Discover your dream and purpose.
- Write your goals.
- Design your life for maximum success And much more.
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