The very first book on leadership is the Bible.
Who Wrote The First Leadership Book
God wrote the first leadership book being the Bible. We know him as the first leader and the creator. We know that God’s DNA spells L.E.A.D.E.R from a earlier post on the subject. Seeing though we where created in God’s own image, that makes us all leaders inside. That is why we can take negative things and turn them into positive things because we have were created to be creative and when we use our creative abilities we tend to create things we could have only imagined that existed. Keeping this in mind it teaches us that we can be creative enough to find ways to create the income that we have always wanted to create, but have been unable to because of us being blinded by our own identities as the leaders that we truly are. Keith Johnson is here to change that and open up your eyes to your feature of being a true success that you have always meant to be and all it takes is just a little coaching, training and learning that deep down you are a leader.
A Little Of Keith Johnsons Background
Keith Johnson has personally taught the subject of confidence and leadership since 1998 and has helped many pastors over the years create and build the churches they have always wanted to have, but just didn’t know how to get there. Although there are several success stories one sticks out more than the others. Keith Johnson had spent all day teaching a pastor that he was a leader deep down inside and the truth is that we all are great leaders. This pastor went onto making his ministry gain massive growth, but he didn’t stop there he also went on to to pastoring over 25 churches and ended up being all very successful. Are you ready for the next video line up? If so Click Here to be taken to our next leadership video that will have you well on your way to success. Did you learn anything from this video blog post? If so leave us a comment!