All the confidence in the world is meaningless if you do not have the knowledge it takes to put your confidence to use. Confidence is built upon what you know. Ignorance breeds fear; the more you learn about your subject, the less power fear has over you. When you increase information, you increase confidence. Learn all there is to know about your field of business: daily operations, customers, competitors, services, and product lines. Invest in yourself, your education, and the tools you need to acquire knowledge. Also invest in relationships; surround yourself with people who have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
How will knowing more about all these things help you gain more self-confidence? That is very simple. If you knew every imaginable answer about your business, you would never be afraid of any conceivable question that a supervisor, client, customer, or fellow employee might ask. You would be an expert in the eyes of your clients, work associates, and your boss. Most importantly, you will be an expert in your own eyes. Would this make you more self-confident? Absolutely!
Make it your personal goal to become an authority at what you do. When people come to you for answers, you know that you have become an expert in your field.
Becoming an Expert Formula: R + S + 5Y = 5%
Becoming an expert is easy. Yes, I said easy, if you have the right formula. I learned a simple formula to skyrocket my income and to become an expert, and it has helped me to become known as America’s #1 Confidence Coach.
Here are the details of the formula: Read (R) one hour a day about your subject (S) or your field of work for five years (Y) and you will rise to the top 5 percent in your field.
Do you want to increase your income? If so, remember, the market will pay an expert wage for an expert. If you don’t like your income, you can do something about it by becoming an expert.
Confidence coaching solution:
Be a lifelong student. The more you learn, the more you earn, and the more self-confidence you will have.
Make a decision today that you are going to prepare yourself to become an expert at what you do. You are going to know more about your field of business than any other person knows about your business. This is a big decision. It will take a great amount of personal pursuit, study, and effort. Here are five easy keys to help you prepare for expert status.
Key 1. Read an hour every day about your chosen field.
Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, author of Life Is Tremendous, says, “You will be the same person in five years except for the people you meet and the books you read.” If you take the time to read one book every month about your industry or desired profession, in ten years you will have read 120 books. That puts you in the top 1 percent of your field and guarantees your success. The person who does not read is no better off than the person who can’t. The person who has knowledge and does not apply it is no better off than the person who is ignorant. Remember this, all the books you have not read will not help you a bit! Become committed to becoming a lifetime learner. When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.
Key 2. Turn your car into a university on wheels.
Listen to educational audio programs in your car. The average person drives between 12,000 and 25,000 miles per year, which works out to spending between 500 and 1,000 hours per year in the car. You can become an expert in your field by simply listening to educational audio programs as you drive from place to place. Many stores sell audio tapes, CDs, and video tapes featuring top personal development trainers and business leaders.
Key 3. Attend seminars given by experts in your field.
Learn from the experts. Ask them questions, write them letters, read their books, read their articles, and listen to people with proven track records in the area in which you want to be successful.
Key 4. Take additional courses and learn everything you possibly can.
Pursue an advanced degree or take some intensive training classes. You can become an expert and gain additional self-confidence if you are willing to pay the price of extra effort.
Key 5. Search the Internet.
We are living in the information age. The Internet is a wonderful source for finding information. Add your name to some mailing lists of organizations or groups of people in your professional field. All types of terrific information is out there waiting for you.
Confidence coaching solution:
Competence can take you places where your character cannot keep you there.
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