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The SHIP You Must Now Sail
The Confidence SHIP
Increasing your LQ begins with improving your mindset and bringing your inner life to its highest level. Successful leaders today will stand firm in the storms versus being knocked down by all the economic and cultural storms around them. Those who improve their LQ will invest in bulletproofing their mind-set while staying strong on the inside. A staggeringly successful outer life starts by having a staggeringly successful inner life. Focus and confidence matter! The inner life of a leader and the leadership team around him or her determines the success of the journey.
The people around you need to reflect the qualities you exemplify which are:
- S —Security
- H —Humility
- I —Insightful
- P —Passion
- S – Security
Security provides the foundation for strong leadership.
When leaders feel insecure, they drift from their purpose whenever trouble arises. Leaders must feel secure when people stop liking them, when funding or profit drops, when morale dips, or when others reject them. If a leader does not feel secure, fear will eventually cause them to sabotage their leadership influence. I have a lot of coaching material to help you as a leader increase your confidence levels. Security is rooted in confidence, which leads to success. To Get The Confidence You Need & Want Buy The Confidence Book To Help Get You Started On Your Way!
What Is Confidence
Confidence is a positive belief in yourself, your potential, and your abilities. Confidence produces a feeling of certainty, and hope empowering you to perform at your best, create workable solutions to your problems, think big about your future, take calculated risks, and act effectively to achieve extraordinary, outrageous results—and success for you and others.
Confidence is the bridge between where you are and where you want to go.
Notice that I never refer to confidence as pride. Confidence in leaders springs from an inner humility that seeks to serve rather than be served. Humility continually asks, “What’s in this for your best?” instead of inquiring, “What’s in this for me?” Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking less about yourself because you are focused on the successes or achievements of others. It is against the law for a captain to abandon ship. Why? Because it violates the number one law of leadership: think of others first, not about yourself. Servant leadership arises from the attitude that Paul writes about in Philippians 2:1-11 (NKJV). Humility declares that my confidence is in the Lord (see Proverbs 3:26). The humble leader can be confident without being proud, assertive without being aggressive or passive, enthusiastic without being hyped, and encouraging without ulterior motives. To follow along with these video series please Click Here to see if you have missed any or Go Here To Start All Over Again! If you have enjoyed this post I personally welcome you to leave a comment or share this via social media using the icons on the right side.