Wealth Secrets Summit – Millionaire Mentor Dr. Dave Williams

What They Didn’t Tell You About Money In Sunday School

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Highlights of Message:

Speakers: Millionaire Mentor Dr. Dave Williams and Kingdom Economist Dr. Keith Johnson

Are you ready to make a difference and a fortune?

You need to marry both…Difference + Fortune.

The difference between the Rich and Poor…Rich think, “I can have both.”

Poverty is a thief! It steals your dreams and your God-given assignment.

Serving others is the path to millions. Be a giver not a consumer.

Start by simply sharing this blog.

3 Poverty Mentalities That Prevents Your Wealth Accelleration:

  1. Entitlement
  2. Victim
  3. Scarcity

Set a big enough goal that will motivate you to move you forward.

Set a goal to become a millionaire…not for the money but for the bigger person you will have to become to achieve it.

Wealthy Confession: You can be Godly, Loving, Kind, Balanced, Giving, and Peaceful and really, really RICH!

Wealthy Confession: I have a millionaire mind. I am connected to the GREAT Commission.

God is for you becoming a millionaire never against you—He’s rooting for you!

Money is meant to be our employee!!!

Life changes happens at the speed of decisions.

You’re not CRAZY for wanting to be a MILLIONAIRE.

Millionaire Path:

  1. Theology of Wealth
  2. Psychology of Wealth
  3. Practicality of Wealth.

Opportunity comes when you take action.

Confession without action is delusional.

“Success in life isn’t something you pursue, it’s something you attract by the person you become.” – Jim Rohn

Invest in growing your Wealth Intelligence.

Wealth Tribe Provides Three Important Things:

  1. Coaching
  2. Community
  3. Continued Education

Dr. Dave Williams Books & Products

Wealthy Place + Radical Riches Books

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Dr. J Today Show

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