How important is it to you to maximize the remaining days of your life?
If you would have asked me this question when I was 16, I would have replied, “I don’t care about the rest of my life! I care about today! I am going to live by my favorite song by Prince, I am going to ‘Party Like It’s 1999!’”
However, the more grey hairs that appear and the older I become my answer to this question is, “It is very, very important to me to maximize the remaining the days of my life.” Do you feel the same way? If so, I will share with you a proven process to achieving your desires and lifelong dreams.
When I was 23 years old I wrote down all of my lifelong dreams and goals on a yellow notepad. By the time I was 38 years old something great but also tragic happened to me, I actually achieved all of my lifelong dreams and goals.
What do you do when you are 38 years old and you have already accomplished your goals?
• My dream of being married and living in a beautiful gated community had come true.
• My dream of having a book published and distributed in every major bookstore had come true.
• The dream of having a yellow corvette convertible had become a reality.
• The dream of having my calendar full of scheduled speaking events and television interviews worldwide had come true.
• My dream of traveling the world had also come true.
In the eyes of most people, I had become a success.
The Mental Fog
I spent the next two years of my life in a mental fog wondering what to do with the rest of my life. I asked myself, Where am I going? What am I going to do? What is the plan for our organization? Do I want to spend the rest of my life doing what I am doing?
Have you ever asked yourself these types of questions about your own life, business, or organization?
I was in a state of confusion. I have always been a very focused and motivated person; however, my passion and energy levels where dropping. I stopped writing and I spent less and less time going in the office. I found myself just going through the motions of my daily routine; I had lost my inner fire.
This is the mental condition I was in before I met my mentor and now good friend Bobb Biehl. Bobb is a consultant who has provided services for over 3,000 high-level executives over the last 30 years. I will never forget my first consulting session with Bobb. I explained how I was feeling. His reply was quite life changing for me. He said, “Keith, you have a lot of situational confidence—after all, you are the author of The Confidence Makeover book—but it seems as though you lost your LIFE CONFIDENCE.”
I thought to myself, Life confidence? What? I had studied the subject of confidence at least one hour a day for more than five years. I had told thousands of people on platforms and on major television stations that I knew more about confidence than anybody in the world. I had personally read over 100 books on this subject, but I had never heard anybody talk or teach about the “life confidence” that Bobb mentioned.
After thinking for a moment I ask Bobb, “I have never heard of the term “Life Confidence” can you please explain further?” Bobb said, “Life confidence is when you have a crystal clear focus of where you are going in your future and the action steps you need to accomplish your dreams and goals. Lifelong direction produces lifelong confidence. Keith, if you do not accomplish anything else this year, I want you to spend the rest of this year clarifying your life purpose, dreams for the future, the goals you want to set, and a detailed action plan.”
Enjoy today’s blog? Check the previous episode: “Leader of Destiny Vs Leader of History” by clicking here.
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