cIt is your decisions—not your conditions—that shape the future outcome of your life.
If you choose not to change and progress, then you have already made a decision, haven’t you?
There are “3 Ds to Quick Start Your Progress” as you decide to change: decide to lift your personal expectations; decide to destroy limiting belief systems; and, decide to develop a change strategy.
- Decide to lift your personal expectations—You must choose to raise your own personal standard in every area of your life: confidence levels, weight, potential, income, happiness, and so on. The most important decision I made in reinventing myself was increasing the standard of what I demanded of myself. My life started to change the moment I realized that my life was not shaped by my conditions but by my decisions. I decided who I wanted to be, do, have, and help in my life. I also decided what I would no longer tolerate in my life. If you think about it, many times your standards may drop because you keep company with people who have lower standards. Your life will be defined by the expectations of the people with whom you surround yourself. The old adages apply: “If you lie down with dogs, you come up with flies. . . . Birds of a feather flock together.” Say to yourself, I must keep my personal standards high and not allow others to pull me down.
- Decide to destroy limiting belief systems—If you raise your personal expectations but do not really believe change is possible, you will sabotage yourself. It’s not what you need to “learn” that will make you experience outrageous success in life, but what you need to “unlearn” that is actually more important. You must identify what wrong belief systems you learned in the past that are keeping you from becoming who you are destined to be. Elevating your confidence to a higher level will empower you to achieve the new standards you have set for yourself before you start activating your new change strategy. Learn More
- Decide to develop a change strategy—The ability to navigate from where you are to where you want to be requires a map. Being positive is not enough. It doesn’t matter how positive you are, if you run east looking for a sunset, you simply will not find it! You need the right strategy. How do you find it? Success leaves clues! When you do the same things and think the same way, you get the same results. Take as much time to plan a step-by-step action plan for your reinvention as you would mapping out a two-week vacation.
Determination. The decision to change requires determination to persist and to persevere through to a solution or resolution, moving you beyond disgust to a higher degree of confidence.
Learn how to flip your confidence switch with #BeConfident book [Click Here]
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