“The greatest enemy we all face is ignorance. What we don’t know will not only hurt us, it will limit our capacity for fulfilling purpose and destiny.
The Confidence Makeover Book By Keith Johnson
In the arena of those gifted to equip and empower, Dr. Keith Johnson stands out as a voice filled with life-changing information. In his new book The Confidence Makeover, Dr. Johnson challenges you to never give up on your dreams, but learn how to remain confident of success by maintaining your confidence. I challenge you to step into a new dimension of understanding and engage your possibilities!” —Bishop Tony Miller,
Keith Johnsons Story When He Had No Confidence
I will never forget the day that I discovered my own personal need to develop a higher level of self-confidence. I was sitting at our dining room table crying hysterically after a several million-dollar business deal fell apart. I had spent countless hours of hard work and I had invested a large sum of my own money on this project. My best friend and partner had invested part of his retirement money. Everything came crashing down that day. We lost everything! I felt like my life was over. I kept saying to myself, “I am such a loser. There is no way I can recover from this failure. I will never succeed in life. Why do bad things always happen to me?” My confidence that day was at an all- time low. Yes, there was a day when “The Confidence Coach” had no confidence. After my pity party, I started pondering about the mistakes I made during the business transaction. I discovered that day my own self-doubts and insecurities were hindering me from obtaining the success in life I desired. I made a life-changing decision that day. I decided that I was going to work on overcoming my self-doubts and insecurities and build back my confidence to an all-time high. I decid- ed that I would intensely pursue learning about the subject of confi- dence. What is it? Where does it come from? How can I build it? When do I need it? How will it help me in life? The commitment I made that day has not only helped me to build my confidence, but has also helped countless people around the world. Buy the The Confidence Makeover Book or read another post about how to maintain your Confidence During Hard Times.