Keith Johnson Articles

Why Do We You Need To Ask For Wisdom

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Do you ever find yourself feeling lost, confused, or uncertain about what direction to take in life? Sometimes it can be difficult to know what the right decision is, or even where to begin. That’s why it’s important to look to a higher power for guidance and wisdom. Asking for wisdom from God can help…

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The Power Of Pivot

The Power Of Pivot

Today, I’d like to talk about the power of pivot and how it can lead to success in both our personal and professional lives. “Pivot” is a term used in business to describe a shift in strategy, direction, or focus. In other words, it’s a change in course to adapt to new circumstances or opportunities.…

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How To Unleash Your Wealth Potential This 2023?


[arve url=”” title=”How To Unleash Your Wealth Potential This 2023?” thumbnail=”18408″ /] Highlight Message: Wealth is sooooo much more than just money!!! Although…money is part of it. I have some good news for you. Where you are right now isn’t the full manifestation of your real God-given potential. Real wealth is about being able to…

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BeConfident Signup

              Yes! I would love to receive my FREE gift.   First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone Number (Text Mesages) Submit     Dr. Keith Johnson America’s #1 Confidence Coach 352-597-8775 #BeConfident         Copyright © 2014-15 LCCA. All rights reserved. Designed by…

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Spanish Pastors


!Abrocha tu cinturón! Prepárate para ser inspirado, reír, llorar y desaprender lo que te ha sido enseñado a medida que descubres nuevos principios transformacionales para ayudarte a ti y a tu equipo a desatar tu potencial dado por Dios. Disfruta a Keith Johnson—El Coach de la Confianza #1 en América—en persona—en tu ¡próximo gran evento!…

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Life Coaching Certification Journey

Your Journey to Greatness as a Professional Coach, Dynamic Speaker, and Best-Selling Author Starts Here Life Coaching Certification Academy reflects International Coach Federation (ICF) competencies that equip you with internationally accepted coaching skills. Module 1 – Certified Life Coach (CC) Online 30-Day Confidence Experience  Confidence Book   – Confidence Journal  – Myths to Personal Transformation  – Ten…

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Certification Academy

Call Us: 1 352 597 8775 Who Wants to Break into the $100 Billion Coaching and Consulting Industry? As America’s #1 Confidence Coach, I am pulling back the curtain for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into my successful business and revealing how you can quickly launch a six-figure empire from home with very little overhead. According…

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Imagine…actually doing every day what you love—helping others—and getting paid for it! Become a Certified Life, Leadership, Church Growth & Business Coach! Learn from the best, America’s #1 confidence coach   Your Invitation to Join My Exclusive Group of Coaches, Speakers, and Authors I’m looking for a few change agents who are ready to share…

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Our Coaching Group

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Destiny Coaching Group – Changing Lives, Changing Organizations, Changing the World Clarity. Confidence. Focus. Strategic insight. Pragmatic solutions. Decisive actions. That’s what our coaches bring to your most complex challenges. We bridge the gap between big ideas and the execution steps necessary to help you achieve personal, professional, and organizational growth. OUR TEAM OF COACHES…

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