Video Series

Why Do We You Need To Ask For Wisdom

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Do you ever find yourself feeling lost, confused, or uncertain about what direction to take in life? Sometimes it can be difficult to know what the right decision is, or even where to begin. That’s why it’s important to look to a higher power for guidance and wisdom. Asking for wisdom from God can help…

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The Power Of Pivot

The Power Of Pivot

Today, I’d like to talk about the power of pivot and how it can lead to success in both our personal and professional lives. “Pivot” is a term used in business to describe a shift in strategy, direction, or focus. In other words, it’s a change in course to adapt to new circumstances or opportunities.…

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How To Unleash Your Wealth Potential This 2023?


[arve url=”” title=”How To Unleash Your Wealth Potential This 2023?” thumbnail=”18408″ /] Highlight Message: Wealth is sooooo much more than just money!!! Although…money is part of it. I have some good news for you. Where you are right now isn’t the full manifestation of your real God-given potential. Real wealth is about being able to…

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How To Be More Confident – Finding Your Potential To Lead

How To Be More Confident - Finding Your Potential To Lead

Your personal insecurities create an invisible “glass lid” that keeps you, your congregation, and your church from growing to maximum capacity and potential. When you increase your personal confidence, you will unleash your true potential and maximize your performance. Those invisible barriers will be destroyed, launching you and your ministry to the next level—and beyond!…

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What Is Your Destiny In Life

What Is Your Destiny In Life

What Is Destiny? Destiny Explained Destiny asks the question, “What does the picture of your future look like?” Destiny is the beginning process of inventing or reinventing a person, church, or organization. Most people and organizations trap themselves in an old identity and never update who they are today and who they are to become…

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Keith Shares His Confidence Story On The Harvest Show

How To Be More Confident - Finding Your Potential To Lead

[arve url=””] The SHIP You Must Now Sail The Confidence SHIP Increasing your LQ begins with improving your mindset and bringing your inner life to its highest level. Successful leaders today will stand firm in the storms versus being knocked down by all the economic and cultural storms around them. Those who improve their LQ…

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Destiny In The Heart Of A Leader

Destiny In The Heart Of A Leader

Destiny in the Heart of a Leader The leadership process of turning a dream into reality begins with a deposit of destiny in the heart of a person to solve a major problem or meet an immediate need. Leaders Of Destiny Jack Welch took over as the CEO of General Electric (GE) during a time…

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Leadership Skills That Are Needed For Success


The Law of the Lid This concept came from John Maxwell and I have taught, adapted, and shaped it for years into the following insights. When you get this law inside you, it will be a driving force. Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of impact, influence, and income. The lower…

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God Is The First Leader We Know In The Bible


The very first book on leadership is the Bible. Who Wrote The First Leadership Book God wrote the first leadership book being the Bible. We know him as the first leader and the creator. We know that God’s DNA spells L.E.A.D.E.R from a earlier post on the subject. Seeing though we where created in God’s…

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Learning To Be A Leader – How To Be A Successful Leader


God wants you to be on top. God desires to move followers from being high maintenance, low impact, low influence, and low income to low maintenance, high impact, high influence, and higher income. God never intended the church to operate in a survival mentality We must move beyond a maintenance mentality to a leaders of…

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